Sunday, June 9, 2019

Todays Marriages and Families Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 210

Todays Marriages and Families - Assignment ExampleThe magazine photo that I selected has a young girlfriend roughly four years old reaching her arms out to her gravel while the mother is seated next to her. I deemed this as a structure-functional perception. It appears like the family brought up their child responsibly, provided emotional security and support. Nevertheless, it also might be the attachment theory since the child appears to develop more attachment to her father rather than her mother (Bruhn, 2005).I am always interested in how the number family members in my house are from my mothers side, which is my grandmother. The only selective information collection techniques, which can be used, are interviews and questionnaires (Lamanna & Riedmann, 2011). I asked my mother, my mothers brothers and my mothers sisters. I discovered that my grandmother has 15 children. I did not discern that I had so many uncles and aunts.The age group, which is rising as a proportion of the U.S . populace, is the elderly, 65-plus years (Bruhn, 2005). For the following two decades, million Boomers will cede working. There will be roughly 10,000 new retirees included in the Medicare and Social Security rolls every day. Individuals are living longer due to U.S.s advance health care system and clean food (Schwartz & Scott, 2012).

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