Saturday, June 15, 2019

Materials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Materials - Essay Example3D printers are efficient and simplifies most processes during manufacturing they can easily frame things compared to old machines. Consequently, introduction of automatic machines will increase the cost of production. Automated milling machines have rendered factories efficient in their manufacturing processes. Most modern products cannot be make using old machineries (Markillie 1). There is a corresponding change in the materials engrossd in making modern products such as carbon-fiber composites. Software use in factories is increasingly gaining precedence in modern societies. Social manufacturing is equally ginning prominence in the modern world. The third industrial revolution will win developed countries, according to Markillie.Application of 3D printers renders most industrial processes simple and easy to undertake. 3D printing functions through progressive processes of layers based on data provided by computer programs. Different designs supported by software applied in 3D printers work by piling materials in successive layers. In other situations, 3D printers may use powder as the materials applied in manufacturing. The process involves spreading powder on thin layers of build trays and an additional squirt of semi-liquid or liquid binders. The process may as well as involve laser sintering melting into the required shape. Other additional materials or unfused powder is relevant to strengthen complicated structured built using 3D printers. Diverse materials can be printed using 3D technology including ceramics, metals and plastics. 3D printers can also combine materials to enhance their strength and rigidity. 3D printers are also applicable in the production of living tissues. It is possible to print food, as well, using 3D technology. Based on research, it will be possible to make other large body organs in the future using 3D printers. elongate manufacturing

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